I am thankful for...
Forever 21
Black Friday
That's right, Thanksgiving is in full swing and I can't wait to sink my teeth into the delicious cranberry sauce and turkey in 1 hour. The suspense is killing me! I hope you all used my
Thanksgiving Outfit Prep today because if you did, then you probably look GORGEOUS!
In other news, TOMORROW IS THE BIGGEST SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR BECAUSE ITS BLACK FRIDAY!!! I'm super excited because I've spent time saving up and prepping for the extraordinary day! In recognition of tomorrow, I would like to help you guys do last minute prepping for Black Friday Madness! (unless your already camped out by the mall...)

1. Prices, Prices, Prices, and Organization! Everything you buy will generally be half off, so if your planning on Christmas shopping or just wardrobe shopping, FIND OUT THE PRICES BEFOREHAND. I have made this mistake many times so I know how important it is to know exactly what your grabbing at in the midst of all the chaos. When you go shopping tomorrow, you will leave each store with a lot more than you planned, and that could limit the amount of deals you can take advantage of at other stores. so always bring double the amount of money required because by the end of the day, you'll realize that your pockets will be nearly empty if you don't follow this crucial rule!!!
2. Shop in clusters. This really does help. Let's say you have a long list of must-have items that your determined to bring home by the end of the day. If you shop for items with your friends in a group, each of you will have help from the other to find everything. That way when you leave your fave store, you'll all have exactly what you need in a quarter of the time. I do this every year and it is effective because when you combine your lists together and divide them up between each other equally, you'll have a lot less items to handle so you can focus on each sale with your undivided attention. Quick Tip: When summoning your group, texting is simple, but I believe handheld blow horns are much more effective.
3. Plot! Map out all the places your going to clear out in order so that your mind isn't like, "Sephora, then Char.. wait no I should probably go to rue 21, but wet seal might be faster...no no I should stop by Nordstrom to get those shoes before someone else..." Not plotting is very disorganized. The first store you go to should be the place with the most wanted item, because the hot items go by extremely fast and you might be disappointed when your favorite Jimmy Choos at Saks Fifth Avenue are all gone by the end of the day. Also, a lot of items are damaged during this major event, so remember the items that are most important to you and get them A.S.A.P!
I have lots more tips for you guys, but the cranberry sauce is definitely calling my name and I reeeaally want some. I can't tell you where to shop for your deals because that's up to you, but I can say that one of my favorite stores, Forever XXI is having some good sales tomorrow! Good luck in filling those carts and I hope you find everything your looking for! Email me the greatest deals and all the great items you get tomorrow. I CAN'T WAIT!
~Fashion Guru~